Classic Case

Mysterious Objects Spotted Following Meteor Through Aurora Borealis

Unidentified Light Phenomena Captured During Perseid Meteor Shower in Michigan

August 15, 2023 – Michigan, USA

An intriguing celestial event has left amateur astronomers puzzled, as a Michigan resident captured extraordinary footage during the peak of the Perseid meteor shower on August 11-12th. The video, recorded using military generation 3 night vision and an iPhone equipped with an IR pass filter, reveals an unidentified light phenomenon that defies current understanding.

The observer, who has been an amateur astronomer for several years, quickly ruled out common explanations such as planes, satellites, and lens flares. These sources vanished when the meteor finished disintegrating. However, what unfolded afterward has sparked curiosity and debate.

In the video, a prominent meteor streaks through the auroral backdrop before burning up completely. Remarkably, just as the meteor disintegrates, two mysterious sources of light emerge. These lights move steadily to the left, an event unnoticed during the initial recording but discovered upon review of the footage.

The equipment used for this capture operated within a spectral range of 685nm to approximately 940nm, providing a unique infrared perspective of the event.

This rare and fortunate recording was made during a period of heightened auroral activity, further enriching the context for exploration. The phenomenon’s nature and genesis remain a topic of active discussion in the amateur astronomy community and beyond.

For more updates and in-depth analyses of the event, stay tuned as experts and enthusiasts alike delve into this captivating astronomical anomaly.

Strange objects appearing by meteor going through aurora
byu/Aerions_ inUFOs

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