
Unforgettable Encounter: 16 Schoolchildren Spot Cigar-Shaped UFO and Its Mysterious Occupants in Broad Haven, Wales, 1977

The UFO Encounters That Have Gripped a Welsh Village

Unraveling the Mysteries of Broad Haven

In the quiet Welsh village of Broad Haven, a series of UFO sightings has sparked intrigue and debate that continues to this day. It’s been over 45 years since a group of schoolchildren reported sightings of mysterious lights and strange beings, marking Broad Haven as a hotspot for paranormal events. From a flying saucer spotted near a guest house to a towering, 7-foot figure emerging from the bushes, the accounts from that day are nothing short of astonishing.

“Cigar-Shaped” UFOs and Unlikely Witnesses

Imagine being a child at Broad Haven Primary School, enjoying a normal lunch break, when suddenly the air is filled with excitement and fear. One young witness recounted seeing a “cigar-shaped” UFO with a dome and flickering orange and red lights hovering close to the playground. “It looked just like something out of a movie,” he told BBC cameras. Another child spoke of an enigmatic figure: “I saw a man, but I couldn’t see its face because it was too far away.” With over 450 reported UAP encounters on record, the schoolyard was buzzing with tales of the unexplained.

This cluster of UFO sightings has earned Broad Haven the nickname of the “Bermuda Triangle of UFOs.” And it’s not just the kids who are convinced; their accounts have prompted serious consideration from skeptics and believers alike.

“I Thought It Was Nonsense—Until I Saw It”

David Davies, now 57, was one of those kids who brushed off his friends’ stories as mere playful imagination. “Flying saucers? No way! That was just something from cheesy 1950s sci-fi flicks,” he recalls. But one fateful exploration into the woods changed everything.

“There it was, a silver, cigar-shaped object about 45 feet long. I was struck with an overwhelming urge to run away,” David said, still in disbelief at what he witnessed. His mother, picking up on his genuine fear, was convinced he told the truth—after all, she knew when her son was lying.

Accounts That Line Up

Following the sightings, headmaster Ralph Llewhellin wanted to get to the bottom of the mystery. He separated the students to draw and write about what they experienced, ensuring there was no collusion. And remarkably, when the children’s accounts were compared, they were eerily similar, further validating their extraordinary claims.

As David points out, “Back then, we didn’t have social media or smartphones, so there was no way we could have collaborated.” This standout detail only adds to the ongoing fascination surrounding UFO sightings and alien abduction narratives across the globe.

In fact, Broad Haven’s incident echoes eerily with other renowned cases like the Ariel School UFO incident in Zimbabwe and the Westall UFO sighting in Melbourne, Australia. Each case shares common threads of credible witnesses reporting unexplained phenomena that defy earthly logic.

Dive Deeper Into the Mystery

If you’re as captivated by these stories as we are, there’s plenty more to uncover. Curious about Broad Haven or eager to explore similar UFO sightings? Check out more on the BBC to dive into the mystery that continues to fascinate enthusiasts of the paranormal.

Read more here and don’t forget to share your thoughts: Have you ever experienced a UFO sighting or an alien encounter? We want to hear your stories!

16 schoolchildren witness a cigar shaped UFO and occupants in Broad Haven, Wales 1977.
byu/AltKeyblade inUFOs

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