
Exploring George H. W. Bush’s UFO Legacy and the CIA’s Role in Crash Retrievals: Parts Three and Four

Unveiling the U.S. Government’s Secret History with UFOs: From Roswell to Today

For months now, a few dedicated researchers have been diving deep into the enigmatic involvement of the U.S. government with UFOs—also known as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). The revelations are mind-bending, yet pieces of the puzzle are finally starting to come together.

A Shocking Revelation: Dick Cheney Tied to UFO Conspiracy

Last week, startling claims emerged suggesting former Vice President Dick Cheney is linked to a clandestine UFO cabal. This news has intensified the ongoing debate and inspired even deeper investigation into the U.S. government’s murky interactions with UFOs.

Beyond Roswell: An International Mystery

David Grusch, a key figure in UFO disclosure, strategically highlighted the 1933 Magenta, Italy crash-retrieval case to stress that UFO phenomena aren’t confined to Roswell or the United States. He suggests that the event, involving figures like Mussolini and Nobel Prize winner Guglielmo Marconi, laid the groundwork for a global power structure that has influenced events since WWII.

The OSS and the Birth of Modern Intelligence Agencies

In the lead-up to WWII, the Bush family—through their law firm Brown Brothers & Harriman—were instrumental in funding the Nazis. Post-war, members of this circle played pivotal roles in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner to the CIA, and established clandestine programs to conceal UFO-related findings.

The Establishment of the CIA Post-Roswell

In 1947, following the infamous Roswell incident, significant figures like George H. W. Bush and Allen Dulles, who had OSS roots, helped to form the CIA. Many of these early CIA architects were connected to Yale University’s secretive Skull and Bones society.

Unraveling Bush and Cheney’s Influence

Throughout the 20th century, George H. W. Bush and his associates, including Allen Dulles, orchestrated global strategies and covert operations. If Cheney is at the helm of the current UFO cabal, it’s likely due to his deep ties with Bush from their early political careers.

The Skull and Bones Connection

Many of these key players attended Yale University and were members of Skull and Bones, a notorious secret society that became a major recruitment ground for the CIA. Their influence in shaping American intelligence and policy cannot be overstated.

The Role of Project Blue Book

In 1952, amid increased UFO sightings, the Air Force established Project Blue Book to investigate these phenomena. However, it turned into a disinformation unit under CIA direction, culminating in the Robertson Panel’s conclusion that UFOs posed no threat—an assertion now widely questioned.

George H. W. Bush’s Secret CIA Roots

Contrary to public knowledge, George H. W. Bush was reportedly involved with the CIA as early as the 1960s. His role came to light during his 1988 presidential run, revealing that he had been briefed by the FBI on JFK’s assassination. Despite his scant public political experience, Bush’s deep intelligence connections allowed him to quickly ascend through government ranks.

The Carter Administration’s Quest for Transparency

Jimmy Carter, who had publicly witnessed a UFO, demanded answers upon taking office in 1976. George H. W. Bush, then CIA Director, refused to disclose information unless he could retain his position. Carter ultimately ousted Bush, who then temporarily exited the political scene.

The Department of Energy: The Silent Guardian of Secrets?

As Carter pushed for clean energy to reduce America’s dependency on oil, the Department of Energy (DoE) became a focal point in the UFO cover-up, building on the Atomic Energy Commission’s legacy of secrecy.

The Rise and Fall of Nixon and the Reemergence of Bush

In the chaotic political landscape of the 1960s and ’70s, figures like Nixon, Ford, and eventually George H. W. Bush reemerged to exert influence. By the time Carter took office, Bush had left the CIA but remained deeply connected to its networks.

Falwell, Robertson, and the Evangelical Push

While Carter faced internal pressure and sought UFO disclosure, evangelical leaders like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson rallied their bases around issues like abortion, creating a new political alignment that further complicated transparency efforts.

The October Surprise and the Reagan-Bush Era

In what became known as the "October Surprise," the CIA allegedly brokered a deal with Iran to delay the release of American hostages, ensuring Reagan and Bush’s victory in the 1980 election. This led to further clandestine operations like Iran-Contra and the controversial Iraq invasions.

Modern-Day Implications

Recent interviews and investigations, including those from figures like Ryan Sprague and authors like Anthony DeLorenzo, continue to reveal deeper connections between political power, clandestine operations, and the ongoing secrecy surrounding UFOs.


The entangled web of political, military, and intelligence operations surrounding UFOs is more complex than ever imagined. As new information surfaces, it becomes increasingly clear that these powerful networks have shaped not only the UFO narrative but also major geopolitical events. Stay tuned for further excavations into this labyrinth of secrecy and power.

Links for Further Reading

Stay tuned for Part 4 as we delve deeper into this incredible story.

Editor’s Note:

We appreciate our readers for bearing with us through this complex maze of historical and contemporary revelations. Your interest keeps the hunt for truth alive!

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