
Mysterious Orb Sighting Sparks UFO Debate Over Washington, D.C.

My Unforgettable UFO Sighting: A Glimpse Into the Unknown

A Night to Remember

Hey there, fellow seekers of the strange and unexplained! I wanted to share a personal experience that still sends shivers down my spine every time I think about it. For those of you who keep an eye on UFO sightings and UAP encounters, you’ll understand why this particular night in 2019-2020 has stuck with me.

Having lived next to Andrews Air Force Base just outside of Washington, D.C., I’ve always been surrounded by aviation. I’ve been to countless air shows and have seen all sorts of aircraft soaring over the city. As a photographer who’s also gearing up to be Part 107 certified, I have a pretty solid grasp on how to analyze images and interpret what I observe. So when I tell you about what I saw, know that I’m coming from a place of knowledge and curiosity.

The Sighting

So, picture this: I’m perched atop a twelve-story apartment building, taking in the breathtaking views of the D.C. skyline. The skyline glows under the stars, and everything seems just right. My focus shifts to the southwest, and that’s when it happened.

Out of nowhere, an orange orb zips across the sky, moving from my left to my right. It’s traveling in a perfectly straight line— north to south—at a constant speed. This wasn’t your ordinary evening light show, folks. This mysterious light was gliding above the skyline, hastily making its way until it disappeared beyond the local hills.

What really stood out to me? For starters, there was absolutely no sound. In a city as bustling as D.C., that’s a significant red flag. Everything that flies in this airspace usually makes some kind of racket, from the roaring jets to the humming helicopters. But this orb? Silence.

Is It a UFO or Something Else?

Now, let’s talk about the details. This object was no more than two miles away, and despite its distance, it lacked any of the FAA-mandated blinking lights you’d ordinarily expect to see on an aircraft. So what was I looking at?

The orb was larger than an ATV but smaller than a minivan, illuminated by a glowing orange hue that made it unmistakable against the night sky. The light emanating from it was unlike anything I had experienced—this was a celestial glow, bright yet seemingly contained.

I’ve even drawn up a proposed path of its journey, which I’ll share for some added context. You can also check out a reference video that provides a sense of what I saw—albeit the object in the video moves slower than my orb of wonder.

Reference Video

Take a peek at the linked video here for a visual reference:
Check Out the Reference Video

The Bigger Picture

What happened that night has kept me pondering the possibilities of alien abductions, paranormal events, and all things related to unexplained phenomena. Was it a UFO, a secret military craft, or something totally otherworldly? Your guess is as good as mine.

What about you? Have you experienced anything similar? I’d love to hear your thoughts or stories about UFO sightings or enigmatic encounters. Let’s keep this conversation going and share our insights on the mysteries of the skies!

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