
Spotted Tonight at 7:58 PM in Ellicott, Colorado: What We Know So Far

Mysterious Object Spotted in Ellicott: Community Seeks Answers

Residents of Ellicott, Colorado, are buzzing with curiosity after a local dog owner posted a video of a strange object spotted in the sky. The post, which has gained traction in the community, details the perplexing sighting that left both the owner and his wife baffled.

In a recent social media entry, the owner explained how, while letting his dog out, he noticed something unusual hovering to the east. “I have absolutely no explanation for this—maybe a kid’s toy?” he pondered. The added twist? Ellicott is known as a no-drone zone, which has left the dog owner even more puzzled about the nature of the object.

The intriguing post has prompted local residents to share their own experiences and theories. “It just looks too weird,” the owner continued, inviting others to weigh in. “Has anyone happened to see something like this in the plains near Ellicott or Colorado Springs?”

Along with his initial video, the dog owner assured viewers that his wife also witnessed the strange sight, providing some reassurance that he isn’t imagining things. “I know I’m not just going crazy,” he humorously noted.

As the mystery unfolds, residents of Colorado Springs and Ellicott are encouraged to keep an eye on the sky. If you’ve encountered something strange in the area, or have any insights about the peculiar object, your thoughts could prove invaluable in solving this enigma!

Stay tuned as we follow this developing story and gather more information about this mysterious sighting in Ellicott.

Seen at 7:58pm near Ellicott, CO
byu/Mysterious-Box-4552 inUFOs

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